Welcome to the Celeste Ballet

Not merely a conventional mastermind; it's an alchemical chamber where innovative ideas fuse with spiritual insight. As the participants navigate through the labyrinth of business challenges, they unlock the vaults of their intuition, learning to trust the divine guidance that gracefully leads them forward, together. 



Can you hear the music? 



Welcome to the Celeste Ballet, A Mythical Musical Mastermind   


An embodied vision crafting brand experience like no other unifying the principles of ballet, business, film, and cosmic geometry- welcome to this living, vibrating collective dance of brillant luminaries coming together to create and unfold the myths of tomorrow. 


This experiential music-infused, co-weaving container will allow the stories and frameworks of future myths to shine though as guests learn how to apply the Future of Cosmic Storytelling and new 'sequences of brand strategy' to their businesses.


As participants navigate the celestial corridors of the Celeste Ballet, Asterium's masterful coaching unfolds—a seamless blend of elevated conscious luxury, inspiration, and cosmic guidance.


Immerse yourself in a symphony of transformative experiences as Asterium orchestrates a dance of personal growth, encouraging you to explore the new untold myths fertile to blossom in the sequences we activate in this elegantly and musically harnessed brand storytelling experience.


Through a series of Balletic and world class filmmaking scriptwriting and storyboarding techniques - these themed activations push the boundaries of embodiment training and coaching to new heights to unveil new myths even Hollywood has barely touched.  


The Celeste Ballet becomes a stage where the myths of tomorrow are unveiled, where stories and frameworks emerge as the alignment of members' inner constellations dance the expanse.


Asterium's guidance ensures that the sequences activated during this experience serve as the catalysts for the creation of a new mythos for humanity—a collaborative effort that transcends individual narratives to shape a collective vision of the future.


Together, participants and Asterium shine as they delve into the uncharted territories of imagination, sparking a cosmic renaissance in storytelling.


This is Asterium.


This is the 'future-now'—an immersive and transformative stellar voyage into the unknown, where mythmakers and myths are born, and brilliance takes center stage in the dance of cosmic storytelling.


Together we shine, this is Asterium.

This is our future.

A highly original facilitated experience- in this collaborative musical mastermind experience, the essence of participants expansion reveals itself for guests like a living theatrical performance 

Luminous souls harmonize together, pioneering a new paradigm of conscious entrepreneurship in the surrendered expansion, visions collide and take flight. Facilitated by world class creative director Crystal. Participants embrace the splendor of their allowing their souls' to sing as the story unfold, is guided and is interpreted in real time. This is the natural expansion of the infinite, this is the essence of co-creating prosperity legacies.

The Living Embodiment of the Harmony of the Spheres 

In this sacred circle of luminous souls, a symphony of collaboration and empowerment reverberates. Boundaries dissolve, and a sense of sisterhood takes root, fostering an environment of collective growth. Each woman is celebrated for her unique gifts, and the collective brilliance becomes a wellspring of inspiration, paving the way for remarkable achievements.

Experience Asterium Mastermind